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First we’d like to thank you for helping support the project. Tremendous thanks for all the invaluable generosity of people who allowed me, a stranger, to come into their world and conduct in-depth interviews and commit their words and images to the Secret History archive.


Thanks to those institutions who have provided grants to the project:


Thanks to those generous companies who sponsor the project:

Permanent Supporters

Thanks to the following generous individuals:

  • Janis O’Driscoll
  • Corey Ostman**
  • Graham Connah
  • Mariah Cook
  • Jeremiah Daniels
  • Frank Basso**
  • Sarah Fay Krom
  • Gregg Carlson
  • Richard Bartlett

** These generous folks have supported the project at the “Permanent Supporter” level multiple times. I guess that makes them “Super Supporters.”

Interview Coordinators

Thank you to those who have volunteered their time and energy to help coordinator interviews on the river:

  • Jane Klug, Moundsville WV
  • Cassie Patterson, Portsmouth OH
  • Andrew Feight, Portsmouth OH
  • Greg Roberts, New Richmond, OH
  • Bob Lees, New Richmond, OH
  • Jacquelene Mylor, Warsaw, KY
  • David Wicks, Louisville, KY


Thanks to all the many friends who helped with the project financially, conceptually, and physically over many weekends spent building the shantyboat. Thanks to Lawrence and Dorothy Manzo for offering to host the boat while it was being built and for extending that offer as the shantyboat build turned into the Secret History project. Thanks to Daniel and Ariel Stonebloom, Alex Barangan, Lisa Barangan, and Stephen Grillos for hosting the boat among the redwoods. Thanks to James Burgess, Lauren Benz, and Stacey Marie Garcia for help working on the boat.

Particular thanks to Kai Dalgleish for not only crewing on the boat during summer fieldwork 2014, but for untold days and days of work on the shantyboat and for sharing my aesthetic vision. Your technical know-how was invaluable and the project could not have happened without you.

Thanks also to Jeremiah Daniels for crewing on the boat every expedition, continuing support, helping organize difficult tasks, and rescuing us during various cross-country breakdowns. Thanks to all the crew of the Shantyboat Dotty who’ve braved the perilous hazards, sun, mosquitos, and White Russians on the shantyboat during summer expeditions.

Thank you to Alex Stevens, Shanai Matteson, John Sullivan, and Sara Lubinski who served as “connectors” directly or indirectly to dozens of people in their areas as we navigated the Mississippi River.