Within hours of arriving in Guntersville Alabama the cops arrived… to welcome us to town, ask questions about the shantyboat and the project, to tell us stories, bring the local newspaper, tell us where to eat, and offer us information, contacts, and rides. Police Chief Jim Peterson, Alabama Trooper Lt Terry Ware, Gleam reporter Joe Cagle

Within hours of arriving in Guntersville Alabama the cops arrived... to welcome us to town, ask questions about the shantyboat and the project, to tell us stories, bring the local newspaper, tell us where to eat, and offer us information, contacts, and rides. Police Chief Jim Peterson, Alabama Trooper Lt Terry Ware, Gleam reporter Joe Cagle

Within hours of arriving in Guntersville Alabama the cops arrived… to welcome us to town, ask questions about the shantyboat and the project, to tell us stories, bring the local newspaper, tell us where to eat, and offer us information, contacts, and rides. Police Chief Jim Peterson, Alabama Trooper Lt Terry Ware, Gleam reporter Joe Cagle. #shantyboat — at Guntersville Harbor
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