Tag Archive for photo

Trouble with tows on the Ohio River
Tows on the Ohio River. People ask us all the…
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A beautiful day to be on a shantyboat on the Ohio River. Despite everyone upstream promising us apocalyptic weather.
A beautiful day to be on a shantyboat on the…
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Mayflies caught in a spiderweb under the eves of the shantyboat
Mayflies caught in a spiderweb under the eves of the…
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Shantyboat at the mouth of the Little Kanawha River.
Shantyboat at the mouth of the Little Kanawha River. #shantyboat…
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Why Marietta endures inevitable floods
Several people told us that Marietta has never seriously considered…
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Pop-up exhibition of the Secret History project at Marietta’s First Friday [VIDEO]
Open house and pop-up exhibition of the Secret History project…
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“Go with the flow” a button made by my new 10 year old friend Iris
“Go with the flow” a button made by my new…
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Hundreds of people came to visit us in Marietta
Hundreds of people came to visit us in Marietta during…
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Full house(boat) in Marietta Harbor. Kids, grown ups, and grown ups excited as kids
Full house(boat) at First Friday in Marietta Harbor. Kids, grown…
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OYO killing it at Just A Jar Design Press on First Friday in Marietta OH.
OYO killing it at Just A Jar Design Press on…
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The Valley Gem makes way up the Muskingum River at the Marietta waterfront [VIDEO]
The Valley Gem makes way up the Muskingum River at…
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The textures of Marietta’s Harmar Village are killing me. Beautiful, old and unprecious.
The textures of Marietta’s Harmar Village are killing me. Beautiful,…
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An interesting docking at Marietta tested our mettle
The public dock at Marietta is challenging. Two of the…
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Shantyboat anchored in our secret little hidey hole [VIDEO]
Shantyboat anchored in our secret little hidey hole. #shantyboat #fishingspot…
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Age doing a drive-by
Age doing drive-by fishing #fishing #ohioriver #westvirginia #shantyboat
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Sistersville is a classic adorable small river town laid out parallel to the river.
The classic adorable small river town is laid out with…
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Hazel doing what she does best
Hazel doing what she does best. Charming us. #hazel #cattledog…
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Age came from New Zealand to shipmate
Age came from New Zealand to shipmate on the Shantyboat.…
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Just got 20 on my turn though Age is still kicking my ass
Just got 20 on my turn though shipmate Age is…
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It’s a two knee knocker sort of day
It’s a two knee knocker sort of day. While a…
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Moundsville famous.
Moundsville famous. #media #westvirginia #ohioriver #press
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Shantyboat at the Prima Marina in Moundsville WV.
Shantyboat at the Prima Marina in Moundsville WV. #ohioriver #westvirginia
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Outdoor evening concert in Moundsville, a delightful Midwest summer phenomena
Outdoor Friday evening concert in Moundsville, WV. This is a…
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Shantyboat morning with wildflowers
Shantyboat morning with wildflowers #Shantyboat #Wildflowers #poster
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We thought you was a shed that had come adrift
As I made coffee and checked my email drifting down…
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Morning fog on the Ohio River.
Morning fog on the Ohio River. #Shantyboat #OhioRiver #WestVirginia
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Harvey pulling in a 10lb cat from the Wellsburg WV docks
Harvey pulling in a 10lb catfish from the Wellsburg WV…
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See ya, Steubenville. Given the highwater and the decrepit condition of the marina, exhibition canceled
See ya, Steubenville. We had an exhibition planned in Steubenville…
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Shantyboat in Toronto Ohio. We were rocked by tugboats and tows all night.
Shantyboat in Toronto Ohio. We were rocked by tugboats and…
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Shantyboat breakfast with cheesy grits. We eat well.
Shantyboat breakfast with cheesy grits. We eat well. #shantyboat
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Beaching the shantyboat for a quick pitstop for Hazel.
Beaching the shantyboat for a quick pitstop for Hazel. #Pitstop…
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Montgomery Locks on the Ohio River [VIDEO]
Montgomery Locks on the Ohio River #shantyboat #lockanddam #locks #ohioriver…
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As everyone knows, when you drive under a train, it’s good luck. [VIDEO]
As everyone knows, when you drive under a train, it’s…
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Do you need power? Water? Do you need any money? Do you need anything? Groceries? My keys are in my truck.
When we arrived in Bridgewater, PA along the Beaver River we…
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First day’s voyage celebration. No one was arrested. No one died. And no one lost a limb. Success!
First day’s voyage celebration. No one was arrested. No one…
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Squirlsey ridin’ the wave!
Squirlsey ridin’ the wave! #squirrel #shantyboat #waves
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Looking sexy Pittsburgh.
Looking sexy Pittsburgh. #pgh #skyline
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Interview with our trip angel Evan Clark who lives on a shantyboat
Interview with our trip angel Evan Clark who a) does…
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Props props props. During my travels some low driveway took a bite out of my prop
Props props props. During my travels some low driveway took…
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One of the last things we do before we launch
One of the last things we do before we launch…
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Shantyboat on the Allegheny
Shantyboat on the Allegheny. Thanks to Evan from Brilliant Marina…
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What I look like after a cross-country drive and repeated visits to Home Despot
What I look like after a cross country drive and…
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When you park right next to the tracks
When you park right next to the tracks you experience…
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For the first time in a week I have a moment to relax
Sunset over the swollen Allegheny River and for the first…
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Hangin with the PGH boat punx on the swollen Allegheny River.
Hangin with the PGH boat punx at Brilliant Marina on…
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Arrived in Pittsburgh to a warm welcome
Arrived in Pittsburgh to a warm welcome by boat punk…
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Welcome to America.
Welcome to America. Apparently, this is the largest cross in…
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Accusatory look. I don’t think either Squirlsey or I thought this trip would take six days.
Accusatory look. I don’t think either Squirlsey or I thought…
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First real meal of any kind in three days of travel at the Sunnyside Diner in OKC
First real meal of any kind in three days of…
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There are a lot of abandoned places in the American Southwest
There are a lot of abandoned travel service places in…
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Sometimes you move over the same landscape so many times that you get a sense of déjà vu.
Sometimes you move over the same landscape so many times…
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30 minutes out of my way to Lake Havasu City to someplace that had fiberglass supplies
30 minutes out of my way to Lake Havasu City…
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As if we need additional confirmation that I am an idiot. Let’s be clear…
As if we need additional confirmation that I am a…
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Literally lost the tire on the trailer while driving to the tire shop.
Fuuuuck. Literally lost the tire on the trailer while driving…
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All ready to go.
All ready to go. #shantyboat #roadtrip
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The annual posting of the punch list ceremony has been completed. Almost everything checked off.
The annual posting of the punch list ceremony has been…
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Squirlsey getting excited for trip.
Squirlsey getting excited for trip. #squirrels #3leggeddog #ToughAsNails
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Rebuilt and refinished the shantyboat’s 5-year old camp stove. New crackle finish.
Rebuilt and refinished the shantyboat’s 5-year old camp stove. New…
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New art in the Shantyboat gallery thanks to our supporters
New art in the Shantyboat gallery thanks to our supporters.…
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Lookin good a few days before we depart
Lookin good a few days before we depart. #shantyboat #boatprep…
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Definitely one of those things that only a boat captain would care about, new hull numbers
Shantyboat paint! You know you’ve made the right decision when…
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There is something strangely comforting about auto shops
There is something strangely comforting about hanging around an auto…
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Always disconcerting to see a 7000 pound boat hanging in the middle of the air.
Always disconcerting to see a 7000 pound boat hanging in…
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Jefe supervising the workers.
Jefe supervising the workers. #boatrepair #diy #shantyboat #UnionMandatedCoffeeBreak Jefe…
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Replacing frayed keel knuckles. Easier than we feared.
Replacing frayed keel knuckles. Easier than we feared. #diy #boatrepair…
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Benzy paints the underside of the shantyboat trailer.
Benzy paints the underside of the shantyboat trailer. #boatrepair #boattrailer…
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Jeremiah painting under the boat.
Jeremiah painting under the boat. #secrethistory #shantyboat #boatrepair #hullpaint …
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Stressful fiberglass work today here at the Santa Cruz Harbor Boatyard. Lots of big things got done.
Stressful fiberglass work today here at the Santa Cruz Harbor…
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Filthy filthy Jeremiah who has spent the entire day on his back underneath the boat sanding the hull.
Filthy filthy Jeremiah who has spent the entire day on…
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Want to help? We will be at the Santa Cruz Harbor Boatyard all weekend and there are many jobs
Want to help? We will be at the Santa Cruz…
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This weekend the shantyboat is in drydock to do some needed repairs. We put Dottie into the ocean for the
This weekend the shantyboat is in drydock to do some…
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The Secret History Crisis Cam. Thanks for the fundraiser support that will enable us to capture moments of terror.
The Secret History Crisis Cam. Thanks for the fundraiser support…
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Crisis Cam!!
Crisis Cam!!
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Vaughn Loveday makes beautiful muzzle loader rifles
Vaughn Loveday makes/carves/metalsmiths/inlays beautiful muzzle loader rifles. But this one…
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Vaughn Goodson, our trip angel who we met in his simple shantyboat…
Vaughn Goodson, our trip angel who we met in his…
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Fish were caught
Fish were caught. Thanks @clayduda and Vaughn. #shantyboat via Instagram
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Squirlsey petrified with fright
Squirlsey petrified with fright after the #shantyboat encounter with big…
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Big boats with huge engines are a big problem
Big boats with huge engines are a big problem on…
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High seas mean waves wash over the deck
High seas mean waves wash over the deck of the…
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Clay piloting the shantyboat in high seas
@clayduda piloting the #shantyboat in high seas. via Instagram
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Cookin on the high seas
#shantyboat cookin on the high seas. via Instagram
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Crew of the shantyboat overboard
Crew of the #shantyboat overboard. via Instagram
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A swim off the ShantyBoat
A swim off the #ShantyBoat via Instagram
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Ben Duncan, age 91, owner and proprietor of Duncan’s Boat Dock
Ben Duncan, age 91, owner and proprietor of Duncan’s Boat…
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Sitting at Duncan’s Boat Dock in the shade with a beer
Sitting at Duncan’s Boat Dock in the shade with a…
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Swimming in the Tennesse River
Swimming in the Tennesse River. #ShantyBoat #ShantyboatLife via Instagram
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Thanks mom for the champagne. Mimosas to celebrate our departure from Knoxville
Thanks @klassykat68 for the champagne. #Shantyboat mimosas to celebrate our…
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Out on a trash run with Jake Hudson of Ijams Knoxville TN
Out on a trash run with Jake Hudson of Ijams…
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Jake Hudson who told stories of river clean up on the Tennessee River
Jake Hudson who told stories of river clean up on…
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Betty Goins childhood houseboat in which she grew up
Betty Goins childhood houseboat in which she grew up.…
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Interview with Betty Goins who grew up in a shantyboat
#secrethistory interview with Betty Goins who grew up in a…
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Another Thursday evening in Knoxville TN
Another Thursday evening in Knoxville TN. #shantyboat via Instagram
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Vaughn and his brother Blue in their #shantyboat just down from the French Broad.
Vaughn and his brother Blue in their #shantyboat just down…
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Train bridge over the Tennessee River
Train bridge over the Tennessee River. #shantyboat via Instagram
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Working on a shantyboat blog post
Working on a #shantyboat blog post. via Instagram
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Come get high with us party for Jesus
Come get high with us party for Jesus. #shantyboat via…
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Swimming in the Tennessee River at the end of a runway. Hazel watching from the bluff
Swimming in the Tennessee River at the end of a…
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Squirlsey and Benzy on the shantyboat
Squirlsey on the #shantyboat via Instagram
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Knoxville has floating booms at the mouths of creeks. As you can see they prevent an impressive amount of trash from entering the Tennessee River
Knoxville has floating booms at the mouths of creeks. As…
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Drunken #shantyboat postcard headed your way.
Drunken #shantyboat postcard headed your way. via Instagram
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