Tag Archive for production

Introducing The Shantyboat Guys!
A few years ago when I was working on the…
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The Producer’s Log: MFA Exhibition Reportback
Introducing Regina Ortanez who has been working as a producer…
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Meet the Production Team
Meet the production team that helped make the Secret History…
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Experiments with Multimedia [Video]
The production team and I are working on cutting various…
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The Producer’s Journal: Catching up
A note about the Producer’s Journals: They make either super…
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The Producers Journal: A Week of Amnesia and Delirium
It was a strange week of going through the motions…
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Web Development Independent Study
Looking for a talented web developer with experience creating dynamic,…
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Film and Digital Media Independent Study
This independent study provides a focused research experience as we…
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PA’s Diary #2, lovingly entitled A Leaf on the Wind
The Production Assistant's report, a lock and dam, a cute…
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A Night in Winona and the Production Assistant’s Report
A report back by PA Jeremiah upon his departure at…
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