Tag Archive for secrethistory

Sistersville is a classic adorable small river town laid out parallel to the river.
The classic adorable small river town is laid out with…
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Interview with our trip angel Evan Clark who lives on a shantyboat
Interview with our trip angel Evan Clark who a) does…
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Definitely one of those things that only a boat captain would care about, new hull numbers
Shantyboat paint! You know you’ve made the right decision when…
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There is something strangely comforting about auto shops
There is something strangely comforting about hanging around an auto…
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Jeremiah painting under the boat.
Jeremiah painting under the boat. #secrethistory #shantyboat #boatrepair #hullpaint …
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Filthy filthy Jeremiah who has spent the entire day on his back underneath the boat sanding the hull.
Filthy filthy Jeremiah who has spent the entire day on…
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Want to help? We will be at the Santa Cruz Harbor Boatyard all weekend and there are many jobs
Want to help? We will be at the Santa Cruz…
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This weekend the shantyboat is in drydock to do some needed repairs. We put Dottie into the ocean for the
This weekend the shantyboat is in drydock to do some…
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The Secret History Crisis Cam. Thanks for the fundraiser support that will enable us to capture moments of terror.
The Secret History Crisis Cam. Thanks for the fundraiser support…
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Interviewed with Mary Beeson along the San Lorenzo River [VIDEO]
Your browser does not support the video tag. I interviewed…
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Interview with Greg Pepping about San Lorenzo River [VIDEO]
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Norwegian Shantytown located in Red Hook, Brooklyn
This is the Norwegian Shantytown located in Red Hook, Brooklyn.…
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Interview with Janet Bennett at the Dutra Museum of Dredging
Interview with Janet Bennett at the Dutra Museum of Dredging…
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Interview with Daniela Sartori in Red Bluff about living on the river
Interview with Daniela Sartori in Red Bluff about living on…
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Large wreck under stormy skies on Sevenmile Slough as we drive out of the delta towing the shantyboat
Large wreck under stormy skies on Sevenmile Slough as we…
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Playing cards on the Davis to Sacramento train
Playing cards on the Davis to Sacramento train. We had…
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The Goodman’s visit the shantyboat
The Goodman's visit the shantyboat
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Adorable old houseboats anchored in Little Potato Slough
Adorable old houseboats anchored in Little Potato Slough
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Relaxing in the johnboat among the tule
Relaxing in the johnboat among the tule
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Kim Korth talked about the history of Korth’s Pirate’s Lair Marina and growing up on the Delta
Kim Korth talked about the history of Korth's Pirate's Lair…
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The Fraser Bros were the local butchers, and they would deliver meat to the various ranches
A delta shop boat. "The Fraser Bros were the local…
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Old photos of shantyboats at Wood Island at the Rio Vista Museum
Old photos of shantyboats at Wood Island at the Rio…
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Tim Anderson, boatbuilder, maker, and heirloom technologist at his DeltaFarm
Tim Anderson, boatbuilder, maker, and heirloom technologist at his DeltaFarm,…
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Campfire at Tim Anderson’s DeltaFarm at the confluence of the Mokelumne and San Joaquin Rivers
Campfire at Tim Anderson's DeltaFarm at the confluence of the…
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Why is it that people who own big expensive yachts are loud as fuck?
Why is it that some people who own big expensive…
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The peaceful and rustic back channel behind Snug Harbor
The peaceful and rustic back channel behind Snug Harbor off…
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One of a surprising number of visible wrecks in the Sacramento Delta
One of a surprising number of visible wrecks in the…
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Interview with Russell Ooms about his sinuous journey to Locke
Interview with Russell Ooms about his sinuous journey to Locke,…
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Interview with photographer, author, and historian James Motlow
Interview with photographer, author, and historian James Motlow about the…
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Talked to Can, a Vietnamese electronics designer, who owns Bob’s
Talked to Can, a Vietnamese electronics designer, who owns Bob's…
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Iva at Mei Wah taproom where we are chillin drunk AF on a Thursday evening
Iva at Mei Wah taproom where we are chillin drunk…
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Lucious lucious pears on pancakes for shantyboat breakfast
Lucious lucious pears on pancakes for shantyboat breakfast
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The mostly girl crew of the Sea Scout vessel Compass Rose who gave us a tour of the 60+ foot formal Naval ship
The mostly girl crew of the Sea Scout vessel Compass…
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Interviewing Mark Miller at Railroad Cut Slough
Interviewing Mark Miller at Railroad Cut Slough behind Locke. We…
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Walnut Grove docks after breakfast at Alma’s
Walnut Grove docks after breakfast at Alma's
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Bank on Locke Slough upon which a whole community of Russians living in shanties
Bank on Locke Slough upon which a whole community of…
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Community garden in the historic little town of Locke
Community garden in the historic little town of Locke
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Mark Miller who has already helped us in a number of ways, meets us in Walnut Grove to repair a window or two
Mark Miller who has already helped us in a number…
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Put a huge branch through a window trying to land in Courtland. Fuck Courtland and their lack of visitor docks
Put a huge branch through a window trying to land…
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Good morning sun. On Sutter Slough
Good morning sun. On Sutter Slough
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Shantyboat beached along Sutter Slough
Shantyboat beached along Sutter Slough
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In Courtland, they tell us, they have an annual Pear Festival
In Courtland, they tell us, they have an annual Pear…
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Attempting to thread our way through the delta sloughs piloting and navigating
Attempting to thread our way through the delta sloughs piloting…
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Night out in the sloughs, the network of labyrinthian waterways in the Delta
Night out in the sloughs, the network of labyrinthian waterways…
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Classic shantyboat, Phoenix, at Sherwood Marina
Classic shantyboat, Phoenix, at Sherwood Marina
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Interview with Andrew McLeod, historian and tour guide
3rd interview of the morning with Andrew McLeod, historian and…
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Interview with Kathy Brunetti about her decades of experience working on agriculture and water quality issues
Interview with Kathy Brunetti. We talked about her decades of…
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Interview with Nancy about her time living aboard a shantyboat on the Sacramento River
Interview with Nancy about her time living aboard a shantyboat…
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Bar camping out for 25 years, currently along the American River serves as a mentor to younger folk and describes himself as an “honest hustler
Bar camping out for 25 years, currently along the American…
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Maddy and friends show up on a scavenger hunt from the History Museum
Maddy and friends show up on a scavenger hunt from…
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Clyde searches for treasures that had washed out of the riverbanks
Clyde was motor about in a tiny boat with his…
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The mysterious Party Yacht Wall on the American River
The mysterious Party Yacht Wall on the American River
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Shantyboat full of visitors at Sac exhibition
Shantyboat full of visitors at Sac exhibition
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Fanny Ann’s Saloon in Old Town Sac, 5 stories of layered history and Californiana kitsch
Fanny Ann's Saloon in Old Town Sac, 5 stories of…
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Shantyboat encounters the cutest thing in the whole world
Shantyboat encounters the cutest thing in the whole world
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Dramatic bridge downtown Sacramento
Dramatic bridge downtown Sacramento
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Interview with Keith Turley, owner of Stingrayz Bar & Marina along the banks of the Sacramento River in Knights Landing
Interview with Keith Turley, owner of Stingrayz Bar & Marina…
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Shantyboat in the big city or pretty damn close. Chillin at Swabbies where pirate paraphernalia dominates
Shantyboat in the big city or pretty damn close. Chillin…
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Down past the confluence with the Feather River approaching Sac, the river broadens out into the big river we are used to from our adventures on the Mississippi and Tennessee
Down past the confluence with the Feather River approaching Sac,…
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Shantyboat on the wide Sacramento. Photo by Mike Garofalo
Shantyboat on the wide Sacramento. Photo by Mike Garofalo
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Shantyboat leaves Colusa
Shantyboat leaves Colusa. Photo by Mike Garofalo
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Evening card tournament aboard the shantyboat
Evening card tournament aboard the shantyboat
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Benzy’s drawing of the shantyboat docked at Stingrayz in Knight’s Landing
Benzy's drawing of the shantyboat docked at Stingrayz in Knight's…
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Knight Landing Drawbridge under which we are docked that creaks and rumbles as cars pass all night long
Knight Landing Drawbridge under which we are docked that creaks…
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Hard at work on the Sacramento River
Hard at work on the Sacramento River
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“And, it should be added, many of the shanty-boat types were rascals who could turn with complete ease to chicken stealing, to selling patent medicine, to being fourth-rate actors, or even pretending to be preachers if it appeared that’s fire-and-brimstone sermon might bring in a nice collection.” From Steamboats on the Mississippi
"And, it should be added, many of the shanty-boat types…
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Huge catfish dinner thanks to Benzy’s newly acquired mad fishing skills
Huge catfish dinner thanks to Benzy's newly acquired mad fishing…
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The character of the river changes again
The character of the river changes again
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I’m getting the band back together. River hobos on the town
I'm getting the band back together. River hobos on the…
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The hot dry dusty town of Grimes reminds me of where I grew up with my grandparents
The hot dry dusty town of Grimes reminds me of…
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Hazel builds a little chuppah in the heat of the day
Hazel builds a little chuppah in the heat of the…
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Jeremiah spends the morning working a particularly tricky knot
Jeremiah spends the morning working a particularly tricky knot
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Fierce hunter Benzy. 24″ cat
Fierce hunter Benzy. 24" cat
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Ships hound headed south out of Colusa
Ships hound headed south out of Colusa
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We love that people frequently bring us homegrown veggies. Who brought us the peck of pickled peppers?
We love that people frequently bring us homegrown veggies. Who…
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Ships mate Jeremiah Daniels on his birthday, member of shantyboat crew on every expedition since 2014
Ships mate Jeremiah Daniels on his birthday, member of shantyboat…
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The continuing Surprising Things The Mouse Ate series
The continuing Surprising Things The Mouse Ate series
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Yeah, I guess our mouse visitor really wanted olive oil to go with their other snacks
Yeah, I guess our mouse visitor really wanted olive oil…
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Won’t be sorry at all to see our leaky unreliable hand pump faucet go
Won't be sorry at all to see our leaky unreliable…
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@gooddoghazel watches the Secret History media cabinet
@gooddoghazel watches the Secret History media cabinet
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Shantyboat workday
Shantyboat workday
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Found in Alex’s bathroom near the shantyboat
Found in Alex's bathroom near the shantyboat
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At the shantyboat this morning making lists
At the shantyboat this morning making lists
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