As if we need additional confirmation that I am a fucking idiot.
Let’s be clear, this was not just a crazy unforeseen unfortunate highway event. I am 100% incontrovertibly unarguably and completely responsible.
Mistakes were made:
1) I didn’t get the wheel bearings re-greased and repacked as part of our regular maintenance.
2) When I noticed that one of the caps was missing from one of the trailer wheels, I didn’t take it seriously enough.
3) I didn’t make the connection between two salt water immersions and wheel bearing health.
4) When it was noted that my wheel bearing was smoking, I headed straight for a service station, but not at 10 mph like I should’ve.
5) on the way to the mechanic, when I looked back and saw smoke pouring off the wheel, I didn’t immediately stop and investigate thinking, “that wheel bearing is shot anyway” not realizing it was the remaining tire rubbing against the shantyboat.
For all of these totally foreseeable mistakes I will be paying the cost. Now I have to repair a deep Divet at the tire carved into the hull of the shantyboat.
#shantyboat #dumbmistakes #boatrepair #trailertroubles
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