Tag Archive for roadtrip

Louisville’s Schnitzelburg neighborhood at Check’s Cafe
Louisville’s Schnitzelburg neighborhood sitting at Check’s Cafe during Karaoke Night.…
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Home finally! After a month and a half on the Ohio River and days on the road it feels amazing to be back home
Home finally! After a month and a half on the…
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Now our boat hangs out in Reno with the burning man kids until the burn
Now our boat hangs out in Reno with the burning…
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Nevada Highways
Nevada Highways #nevada #roadtrip #tunnels #gointothelight
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Crossing the Great Salt Flats in a storm
Crossing the salt flats this morning. #SaltFlats #RoadTrip #Utah
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Road trip!
Road trip! #hwy80 #roadtrip #nevada #desert
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An undiscovered wildflower wilderness on Hwy 80
Stopped to make dinner at a turnout less than a…
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Feeling cute, might drive later
Rockin PetShop Boys, Ah Ha! And The Bangles as we…
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I love being back in the American West. Something about the way the cool morning air touches your skin
I love being back in the American West. Something about…
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Camping in rural Missouri
Camping at a random turn out in rural Missouri. Hot…
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Mississippi River, baby
Mississippi River, baby. #roadtrip #mississippiriver #stlouis
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We’re trying a new thing called Preventative Maintenance
We’re trying a new thing called Preventative Maintenance. Word is…
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Packing up
Packing up. The total accumulation of a six month exhibition…
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Arrived in Pittsburgh to a warm welcome
Arrived in Pittsburgh to a warm welcome by boat punk…
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Accusatory look. I don’t think either Squirlsey or I thought this trip would take six days.
Accusatory look. I don’t think either Squirlsey or I thought…
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Middle of the night truckstop shantyboat repair [VIDEO]
Middle of the night truckstop epoxy work to repair the…
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First real meal of any kind in three days of travel at the Sunnyside Diner in OKC
First real meal of any kind in three days of…
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There are a lot of abandoned places in the American Southwest
There are a lot of abandoned travel service places in…
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Chuvas Senior gets replacement tire and rim. Junior packs new bearings with marine grease.
Chuvas Senior gets replacement tire and rim. Junior packs new…
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Literally lost the tire on the trailer while driving to the tire shop.
Fuuuuck. Literally lost the tire on the trailer while driving…
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All ready to go.
All ready to go. #shantyboat #roadtrip
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We are on the water!
Just a quick note to let you know that yes,…
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We Outta Here
A flurry of activity and a world of underestimation
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Fits and Starts
I’m struggling with how to describe our strange fits-and-starts launch…
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Okay, we’re off
After months of prep, a month-long fundraiser, weeks of long…
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So Far So Good
As I type we are speeding down an Oklahoma highway…
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The Battle Against the Ever-Growing Ever-Multiplying ToDo List Monster
Oh god. Down to a matter of hours before we…
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A Midnight Journey to the Bone Yard
The potholes were deep, nearly as deep as our growing…
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Roadtrips are always more interesting when your wheels fall off
As we were about to hit the road, a lady…
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15 Discoveries After Two Days of (nearly) Non-Stop Driving
Bug massacre, crossing the Rockies, mysterious cattle, new truck, two…
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A Brief Tour of One Random Neighborhood in Salt Lake City
We found ourselves stranded on a Sunday in Salt Lake…
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For Your Information: The Rockies Are Big
In which our heroes discover that the Rocky Mountains eat…
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Desert Crossing
Today was the day I had scheduled to be in…
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The Trouble With Building a Boat in California
Stuck in California needing a new radiator. We are trying…
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A Series of Unfortunate Events
California, we love you, but please please let us achieve…
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Finally On Our Way
Our list of Must-Dos in the last few days was…
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